Play pictionary-telephone on Slack! My personal project for my Galvanize Full-Stack Web Development Course (g8 cohort) that integrates with Slack real time messaging API.

Start a game from Slack with a slash command (/slaxophone) followed by a sentence. The next user receives a DM from slaxophone-bot (my app) that includes a prompt to illustrate the original sentence. That user responds to slaxophone-bot’s prompt by uploading an image.

And so on as the sentence morphs from “An alien landed on the moon” to “I’m fat Santa” with pictionary-like drawings in between.

At the end of the game, results are rendered to a webpage with a link to an archive of previous games.

A fun team building and creative problem solving activity.

See an archive of games here:


  • Project Type: Web Application/Integration
  • Goals and Constraints: Create a Web Application that integrates with an API.
  • Solution: Use Slack's popular platform and well-documented API to create a fun, interactive game.
  • Skills Used: Node.js, MongoDB, HTML, CSS, Sass, JavaScript, Slack, sketching, logo design
  • Visit site: