Examples of two simple interactive games using simple code. My tic-tac-toe and ping-pong apps demonstrate my modular, minimalist coding style. Visit the repositories linked below to see for yourself. I’m always looking for a better way, so any feedback most welcome.


Code: https://github.com/jennyknuth/tic-tac-toe

Live site: http://jennyknuth.github.io/tic-tac-toe/


Ping-Pong Score Keeper

Code: https://github.com/jennyknuth/ping-pong

Live site: http://jennyknuth.github.io/ping-pong/

  • Project Type: Web App
  • Goals and Constraints: Create a functioning interactive web app with beautiful, minimal code.
  • Solution: Harness the power of simple logic and JavaScript to manipulate the DOM concisely.
  • Skill Used: CSS, JavaScript, AngularJS, HTML